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Reiner Herrmann

Mail reiner@reiner-h.de
PGP 2F5D AF3F C1F7 93D9 4F3D 900C A721 DA05 5374 AA4F
Matrix @reiner:herrmann.dev
XMPP reinerh@jabber.ccc.de
Mastodon @reinerh@layer8.space
Keyoxide https://reiner-h.de/id


This is a purely private homepage with no commercial interests, but to prevent bogus litigations that seem to be popular in Germany, further details are listed below.

according to § 5 TMG

Reiner Herrmann
Killisfeldstr. 2b
76227 Karlsruhe

responsible according to § 55 II RstV

Reiner Herrmann

Page created on 2023-01-08